No, not giftcards to the gym or a cookbook with healthy food. Gifts that are good for the inner you. For your carma. Gifts that don't pollute the world with chemicals, plastic, toxins or Britney Spears' voice. Ethically correct gifts. We are talking goats and chickens, massages and computer help. In six weeks Norwegians have bought 5.885 goats and 5930 chickens for people in developing countries. You then get a card which says "You've got a goat for Christmas" and whoever you give it to knows you've done soemthing good for the world. Goooood carma.
It was the world's Buy-Nothing-Day the other week, however many chose to ignore this (yours truly included, although I didn't even buy close to what I had planned), and last Saturday Norwegians used their creditcards threemillionthreehundredandfiftythousand times.
In one day.
I love Christmas, and like getting presents, but only things I can use. Pots, pans, cutlery, steak knives and drink bottles are good. Plastic dolls, clothes that don't fit or in hideous colours, decorative stuff that's not really decorative, Wii or Playstation 2 are a waste of money (at least on me). Then I'd rather have a goat.
Anyway, what I am getting at is that Dagsavisen today had a list of environmentalfriendly gifts that people will appreciate. So I thought I'd make a Christmas-gift-list using those suggestions:
- Babysitter: Jeanette, Shabana or Ivy, three of my good friends who're all pregnant. I'm happy to babysit your offspring next year.
- Jogging company: Kristin, flatmate. I'll happily jog around Frognerparken with you. No, not really. It will be a pain in the arse, I hate jogging, but I'll still do it.
- Crash course in the use of a mobile phone: dad
- Crash course in the use of a computer: dad
- Hair cut: No one would want this from me.
- Foot massage: I wouldn't give that to anyone.
- Wash of the house: mum
- Romantic night: The man of my dreams.
Enough said. Twelve days til Christmas.
Utsikt fra sykehussengen
10 years ago
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