Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dancing bosses, green dresses, it's that time of year

Last night was the annual Kulturstudier xmas party. At my interview for the job back in July my bosses told me they were good on the party-side and there would be lots of Friday-drinks-after-work and stuff. It hasn't. But yesterday at the xmas party everyone relaxed even more than what we do at work, drank good red wine and swung around to xmas carols and alike. The whole of Kulturstudier is jampacked with adorable people, so it was pretty fun! I also met the man of my dreams. But he does't know that he fits the description yet.

Other than that the week has been packed with about 50 hours of work, not much exercise, a madrugada trip to Oslo Airport to ship an Aussie back home and a Maria Mena concert. I won tickets to this Norwegian singstar and immediately thought of giving them to my flatmate Kristoffer (who has a secret crush on everyone named Maria) as a calendar present. Unfortunately he got sick, so ended up heading off with Kristin instead. But it was a good concert, and although I might wouldn't have paid to see her, it was fun to watch her sing. Because she's definitively not bad at it.

Today I've bought all the gifts I did not buy last Saturday on Buy-Nothing-Day. But I'm not sure if it's any more politically correct to buy stuff on Sundays.

P.s. dad, you get an awesome present!

1 comment:

tonje camilla said...

kanskje vi kan ta en kaffe på torsdag eller fredag?:) kommer en snartur.hadde vært triiiiivelig vettu. i like your blog!

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