Monday, December 31, 2007

PM's New Year's speech

Dear landsmenn.

Thank you for a great year. 2007 will come across in history as one of the more memorable years and many things have happenend. The year started as usual in January with little snow on the trees, little sun in the sky and lousy skiing conditions. Nevertheless, it picked up, and by February Hemsedal could show off some of the best slopes on records. Yours truly of course tumbled down all of them. In March it was time for great travels, Central America was crossed once again, volcanos climbed and new heights reached. New lows as well, but that's a different story. 2007 has been a year of visits from Down Under. I have twice had the pleasure of having Aussies to entertain and 17th of May displayed Norwegian nationalism - and weather - at its best.

The summer of 2007 will probably be remembered like any other Norwegian summer - crap. A total of three days of nice sunny weather (and I worked all of them), but had a few nice weekends on Sørlandet. It's not a real summer without Sørlandet. August came along with more work, more work and more study. The autumn went too quickly and was too stressful, but then only justified a relaxation-reloading trip to Warsaw, which was absolutely fantastic. Christmas came and went and it's once again time for my favourite partynight of the year - NEW YEAR'S EVE!

The rest of the world has had it's moments too. Climate has never been so much in the wind as now, something which resulted in Al Gore getting the Nobel's Peace Price and John Howard finally (about bloody time) getting fired. Australia will finally (about bloody time) ratify the Kyoto Protocol and the Poles might only melt a little, not a lot if we get our acts together today (preferably yesterday). It is never a win-win situation, and someone will always loose. Lucky Norwegians though, it's usually never them, despite our first and hopefully only casualty in Afghanistan. Pakistan is on the verge of civil chaos after Bhuttos assasination, there are riots in Kenya and corruption (old news) in Russia.

2007 will be remembered as one of the best yet most frustrating years in history, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, so 2008 - bring it on! Whether your resolutions for the upcoming year is saving the world, acing your exams or joining the mile high club I wish you a wonderful, amazing, good, eventful and happy new year!

Yours truly,

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All I want for Christmas is a superhot date??

Another Christmas is over, I'm sitting in my bed listening to the sleepy breath of the people around me. Christmas Day morning is soon to take off with more food, more gifts (it's Cristina's 22nd birthday) and I'm enjoying a few moments of peace and quiet. I have had two friends from Australia staying with me this Christmas which has made it very fun and international and they've been introduced to the lovely Norwegian customs of dancing around the Christmas three, gingerbread cookies and porridge. 

I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe

One of the things that stresses people most in the lead up to Christmas is, surprisingly not, exams, but the everlasting hustle and bustle of getting presents. Some present you realize are just perfect for the receiver, others not so. One of the present I got was a book from my brother, SuperHot Date. He said he'd picked up a few good tips himself and could highly recommend it if I ever needed a date. I gave him Ingrid Espelid Hovig's infamous cookbook in return and said I'd picked up a few god tips myself and I also recommended it if he ever needed a date (homecooking impresses the chicks, mate!). It matched perfectly with the ovenmittons he got from my grandma. 

I won't make a list and send it
to the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to 
hear those magic reindeer click

But presents are by far from the most important aspects of Christmas. It's being with friends and family, laughing and learning new things like the "green glass room". A spoon gets into the green glass room, but not a fork, a tree can, but there are no bushes. Boobs are allowed to enter but no breasts. Cristina and me finally figured out the rule to Nicole and Tarryn's great amusement. We also went to my mum's work yesterday, a usual Christmas tradition and the speaker there told a Christmas tale, and how Christmas was not all about having lots, or getting lots or buying lots, but about the true Christmas spirit of being together. 

'Cause I just want you here tonight
holding on to me so tight
what more can i do?

My sister's ex gave me a blackboard last Christmas and I have been annoying/entertaining my flatmates with random notes on it (it sits in the kitchen), and although the notes at times have been victims of vandalism, the message (and at Christmas you tell the truth) the last week has been left untouched: 

All I want for Christmas is you
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