We caught a taxi out to Los Peñitas and met Rigo and some of the other teachers and jumped in a boat. Tonje Camilla, Hamdi and Oeyvind had decided to come as well, and within short time we found ourself on the deck of a small boat, flashing our (my) white belly and drinking ice cold beer in the very hot weather. We were going on a sump safari and as the mangrove forest closed around us it was a magical feeling. Rigo was sitting with two bird-books and whenever we saw something move he was right there with the map pointing at what kind of bird it is.
We entered a national reserve and drove close to the shoreline (though inland, separated from the sea by the mangroves) for nearly an hour, bird-wathing and enjoying existence. We met some local fishermen and saw tons of blue herrons, green herrons, white stork like birds and alike. It was absolutely magnificent, and Tonje Camilla was even more satisfied, if she hadn't joined us she would have been at home complaining about why she never did stuff like this, so all very good.
On our way back we stopped at a small opening in the mangroves
and walked a few hundred meters through the bushland. And what we saw was undescribable. The beach was white as my skin really, and as far as you could see to your left and right there was not one other person. We had this paradize to ourselves and as I focused on the horizont I am pretty sure I could see Australia on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Absolutely fantastic and the waves were just big enough they would tumble you around, yet not knock you to the ground unconcious. Despite the fact that I was able to battle the waves, my sunglasses decided to drown and I am sure they will never be found. There's just a tiny bit of water to search through.
We entered a national reserve and drove close to the shoreline (though inland, separated from the sea by the mangroves) for nearly an hour, bird-wathing and enjoying existence. We met some local fishermen and saw tons of blue herrons, green herrons, white stork like birds and alike. It was absolutely magnificent, and Tonje Camilla was even more satisfied, if she hadn't joined us she would have been at home complaining about why she never did stuff like this, so all very good.
On our way back we stopped at a small opening in the mangroves
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